Digital Signature Services

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Digital Signature Certificate

Digital signature certificates are the digital equivalent (i.e. electronic format) of physical or paper certificates. Examples of physical certificates are driver’s licenses, passports or membership cards. Certificates serve as identity of an individual for a certain purpose, e.g. a driver’s license identifies someone who can legally drive in a particular country. Likewise, a digital certificate can be presented electronically to prove your identity or your right to access information or services on the Internet.

Digital Signature Certificate serve as your identity in the digital world. Just as a passport or a driver’s license is used to uniquely identify individuals in the physical world, digital certificates are used to identify entities in digital transactions. Based on Public Key Cryptography, these Digital Certificates associate every entity with a unique pair of credentials – the public key and the private key. Only the owner of a Digital Certificate has access to the private key and can use it to digitally sign and encrypt any digital information such as emails, forms, files etc.

Personal Digital Certificates

These are issued to individuals, companies and government organizations. They can be used both for personal and commercial purposes such as e-procurement, electronic banking, electronic data interchange (EDI), and membership-based on-line services, where security is a major concern.

Digital Signature for E Tender

As per new Government Resolution of Govt. of India, any procurement in government departments / public sector units for amount over and above two lacs will be carried out using E Tender process , we provide complete end to end guidance on how to participate in E Tender.

About the Standard

ISO can be applied to any type and size of organization, from small family-run businesses to the world’s largest corporations and government institutions. It provides a structured yet flexible framework for a customer focused business management system that will drive business performance improvement.

Advantage of Digital Signature for E Tender

When you are applying the e tenders on government website has lot of advantages, because the documents and files are directly uploaded in to main website and the acceptance, receipts are delivered instantaneously. Before going to process, the papers and documents are require to be scan and verify. E-procurement has added important status and acceptance to gets more clarity on systems. Compare to other benefits, it assist sellers and buyers to stunned terrestrial restrictions, reduce procurement sequence, and also it assist to move along current trends. If any companies or organisations are seeking to obtain for any government eTender, requires to have class 3 Digital Signature for E tender that should be registered by the name of authorised person who have authority apply the E Tender applications.

E-Token for Digital Signature

E-Token for Digital signature provides a full suite of security applications for enterprise-wide strong user authentication and password management, e-Token Strong Authentication Applications. Ensure with confidence that individuals accessing your network and resources are indeed who they claim to be.

The E-Token for Digital Signature strong authentication applications include:

E-Token One Time Password (OTP) authentication for secure data access anytime, anywhere. eToken Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for certificate-based strong authentication to networks, VPNs or secured web sites.

E-Token Password Management Applications

Raise the security of both user desktop and business applications, reduce password related costs and increase your users’ productivity and satisfaction. eToken Single Sign-On (SSO) for secure storage and management of all user credentials.

Solution Partner Applications

Together with its solution partners, eToken for digital signature offers you a comprehensive set of security solutions for all of your organization’s authentication needs. eToken integrates with a variety of third-party applications from leading security companies, providing eToken security in the following areas and more:

  • PKI
  • Single sign-on
  • Boot protection
  • Email protection
  • VPN remote access
  • Network/workstation logon
  • Disk & file/folder encryption
  • Web & web-based remote access

Accounting Services

Professional Accounting Services is the procedure by which financial information about a business is summarized, interpreted, noted, classified, and communicated. We provide finance and accounting outsourcing solutions to organizations interested in increasing their operating efficiency and effectiveness.

As an independent corporation, we are familiar with the accounting needs and desires of high growth, fast paced companies. We apply a significant amount of our time to learn client business, to understand how precisely we can be of aid to them. This includes the writing up of accounts and the preparation of financial statements. It encompasses a wide area ranging from simple Book keeping to complex financial analysis. Some of the other areas that we use our expertise in are as given below program.

  • MIS Reports
  • Accounts Payable
  • Financial Analysis
  • Cash Flow Statements
  • Preparation of Balance Sheet
  • Preparation of Profit and Loss Account
  • Accounting System Design and Implementation

Payroll Process

Understanding customers’ payroll needs and delivering what they require is quite simply our forte. Providing value addition continuously is what we do better.

VKK Corporate Solutions provides cost effective & efficient solutions on processing of payroll. The whole process is designed to eliminate all regulatory & compliance hassles that an organization faces.

VKK Corporate Solutions focus is to provide exclusive service & innovative solutions in both off-site & online (Web-enabled) payroll processing.

VKK Corporate Solutions provides an end-to-end payroll processing solution starting from the generation of pay slips to the filing of IT returns.

An integrated and comprehensive Payroll Management Solution that contains Pay Accounting and Compliances management features needed by all businesses. In our Payroll Outsourcing model, data inputs from the corporate are collected, payroll is processed at our end and all statutory and non-statutory compliances are met.

  • Salary Register
  • Payslip Generation
  • Reimbursement / Expense Management
  • Monthly Payroll and TDS Computation
  • Attendance and Leave Records Handling
  • Satutory Compliances of PF, ESIC, Professional Tax

ISO Registration

ISO is an international quality standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), a worldwide federation of national standards bodies representing some 130 countries.

We have experienced and perceptive auditors with a sound understanding of management and business practices in a wide range of industry sectors. They are trained to interpret the requirements of the standard properly, add value to your organization, and guide you smoothly and efficiently through the registration process.

About the Standard

ISO can be applied to any type and size of organization, from small family-run businesses to the world’s largest corporations and government institutions. It provides a structured yet flexible framework for a customer focused business management system that will drive business performance improvement.

ISO 9001 is based on the following eight Quality Management Principles, which are incorporated within the requirements of the standard, and can be applied to improve organizational performance:

  • Leadership
  • Customer focus
  • Process approach
  • Continual improvement
  • Involvement of people
  • System approach to management
  • Factual approach to decision making
  • Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

Company Incorporation

We at VKK Corporate Solutions discuss with our clients regarding the global tax and legal implications with international company incorporation, we highlight the advantages and disadvantages of company incorporation in different corporate jurisdictions, including company incorporation in emerging markets, an area in which we have significant experience.

In summary, we assist our clients identify the optimum corporate jurisdiction for company incorporation, the optimum corporate structure to legally protects assets and gains access to worldwide financial markets, while legally minimizing local and international taxation.

SSL Certificate

We help in providing SSL/TSL certificates to GOVT organisations, Banks & Corporates through our Channel Partners. Our SSL certificate can be used to secure any domain and website and is accepted in all browsers globally, available in three types (DV: Domain Verification; OV: Organization Verification; EV: Extended Verification).

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and it’s successor TLS (Transport Layer Security) are methods used to secure and encrypt sensitive information like credit cards, usernames, passwords, and other private data sent over the Internet. Website pages secured with SSL and TLS are those branded with the HTTPS in their URL address.

We are issuing the SSL certificates with simple procedure. There is no paper or any supporting document to be provided. All verification will be carried on from back end. (In case of OV/EV, applicant may be contacted over telephone for additional verification). DV certificate is issued almost instantly after applicant completes domain verification by clicking the link sent to email. OV/EV may take issuance time of 1 to 4 working days as per global CA validation procedures.

e-Signature and Workflow Management Solution

Driving Paperless Transformation of Small and Large Enterprises Alike

Convenience, Compliance, and Cost are some of the primary reasons why firms today are striving to take the paperless route. However, to reap in all the rewards of secure paperless transformation, it’s imperative that they select a solution that evolves with the industry and the ever-changing business landscape globally.

With various regulations around privacy and data protection, there is a lot more at stake than just saving paper. emSigner is eMudhra’s solution to the paper problem that haunts many organizations across all industries today. emSigner is a blissful amalgamation of key elements required to enable secure paperless transformation.

Bulk Signing

Bulk signing feature offered by emSigner is a convenient way for users to sign multiple documents in one go, thus saving substantial time in opening the document and signing them one by one. This unique feature supports both sign & send and send & sign functionality.